Date:  10/09/2002 12:53:53 AM Msg ID:  000914
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000913
Subject:  Re: onSubmit not working as expected
It works fine for me.  The only thing I did was add a closing </form> tag.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Gary Wood on 10/08/2002 08:41:30 PM:
The following is included in the main.FWX file:
In the HEAD section:
<script language="JavaScript">
function validate() {
    alert("Inside the validate function now") 
    return false
// -->
<form name="thisF" method="POST" action="main.fwx" onSubmit="return validate()">
<input type="submit" name="savetimesheet" value="  Save Timesheet  ">
When the Save Timesheet button is pressed the validate() function is not called.