Date:  10/16/2002 07:02:36 AM Msg ID:  000927
From:  Gene Gerard Thread:  000881
Subject:  Re: Email notification
Hi John,
I used a 3rd party product called 'Command Line Email'. You can get a trial copy from at:
The full version is $30. I integrated it into a number of FoxPro LAN apps.
I haven't tried it with FoxWeb yet but will eventually.
also look at 'Command Line Email Explorer' (trial/$15) at:
Hope this helps.
Sent by John Baughman on 09/13/2002 06:50:04 AM:
Where would I look to have foxweb automaticaly send email under certian conditions? For example, pending channel request reaching a specific number or channels halted due to errors.
Any ideas would be appreciated.