Date:  10/28/2002 08:31:30 PM Msg ID:  000973
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000971
Subject:  Re: Visual FoxProx cannot start...
VFP creates temporary files for a lot of purposes while it is running.  It is supposed to clean up after itself when it terminates, but it will obviously not do so if it crashes, or if it's killed by another process.  We have also seen incidents where VFP will fail to remove one or more of its internal temp files even after exiting normally, but this was extremely rare and we believe it was limited to older versions of the software.
In most cases temporary files are left on the disk when a channel becomes unresponsive and is killed by the FoxWeb Control Center.  There are several reasons why a channel can become unresponsive, most of which are related to scripts using one of the illegal commands listed in the FoxWeb documentation.  Whenever a channel is killed and restarted, a new entry, indicating the time of the occurence and the URL being server at the time is recorded in the file fwstart.log in the FoxWeb directory.  You should periodically examine this file for evidence that one of your scripts is causing problems.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Carlos Mergal on 10/28/2002 05:31:15 AM:
We are running Foxweb 2.11 with 4 channels in Win2K Server without much complications. The problem is that sometimes in the mornings we find several instances of the following message:
Visual Foxpro cannot start. Cannot create program workspace temp files... Press F1 for Help.
When we check we find that there is a lot of free space in the Hard Drive but a lot 4,000+ files in the temp folder. To solve the problem we delete the files and it keeps on working. Why isn't Foxweb cleaning those files? Will we have to put another program just to make sure that folder is "clean" before the channels start?
Your ideas would be very welcomed.