Date:  11/05/2002 03:59:01 PM Msg ID:  000988
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000986
Subject:  Re: Controlling Flow
You can hide the Back toolbar button by loading your application in a new pop-up window that has no toolbar (such as the one in which you are viewing this message), but you'd have to do a lot more work to disable the Back option in the right-click context-sensitive menu and the backspace keyboard key, which also takes you back to the previous page.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jeff Grippe on 11/05/2002 08:54:09 AM:
Is there any way to disable the Back Button from within a script so that I keep users moving in the direction I want them to. Right now there are many problems that can be caused by the user clicking the back button at the wrong time. I there any way to prevent this on a case by case basis?
Jeff Grippe