Date:  11/06/2002 03:23:38 AM Msg ID:  000990
From:  Danilo Agostini Thread:  000937
Subject:  Re: FoxWeb on Windows XP
Excuse me, but i was aout my office and i had no time to read your mail.
Now i answer for your question:
1. I call my script using IIS
2. My script is stored in C:\PROGRAMMI\FOXWEB\PROGRAMS\EXAMPLES\PROVA.FWX (that is folder created after the foxweb installation).
1. The exact URL is: http://danilo/prova.fwx
2. I point directly to foxweb.exe
3. Yes I can.
4. Th script is stored in folder Examples that is a sub-directory of FoxWeb.
Now i ask you another question:
The referential integrity of a database generated with VFP are valid when i open a database (and table of this)?
Thank you for your attention.
                                                    Danilo Agostini
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/23/2002 12:16:02 AM:
The problem is caused by one of the following possibilities:
  1. You are calling the script directly from your browser instead of calling your Web server.
  2. The script is in the Web tree of your Web server, instead of the FoxWeb Program tree.
Please reply to the following questions:
  1. What's the exact URL you are using? You should be able to see it in the location bar of your browser.  If the URL starts with file:// or looks like a DOS path, then you are not going through your Web browser.
  2. Are you using a script-mapped URL, or are you pointing directly to foxweb.dll/exe?
  3. Can you call show_cgi and ContactMine according to the instructions in the FoxWeb readme file?
  4. Where is your script located relative to the FoxWeb Program Root?  You can find the location of the FoxWeb Program Root in the Virtual servers page of the FoxWeb Control Center.  The script must be in the FoxWeb Program Root or its subdirectories.  It cannot be in the Web root or its subdirectories, except in very rare circumstances.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Danilo Agostini on 10/22/2002 12:56:12 AM:
Excuse me for may generality.
When I experiencing my Fwx code (that include Html and FoxWeb code) only Html code is executed. No error was return from FoxWeb. No particular message was display.
One example is this:
This page was served on <%=DATETIME()%>.
This is the code code, and this is the result after the execution:
This page was served on.
Like you can see date and time is not displaied.
Thank you for your attention. I hope to be more excat. Good work at all of you.
(If i don't resolve this problem install Windows 2000 on my pc).
                                                                            Danilo Agostini
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/21/2002 08:35:11 PM:
You are still not being specific enough.  You mention that the FoxWeb code is not executed, but what exactly are you experiencing when you call your script?  Are you getting an error message in the browser?  Do you receive the unparsed script code?  Please be as detailed as possible.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Danilo Agostini on 10/21/2002 12:21:24 AM:
Thank you for your attention.
My FoxWeb run correctly and channel is started and no error is present in fwstart.log. But, when i execute my script (whit FoxWeb code) using IIS or directy whit internet browser the FoxWeb code is not executed.
The equal configuration is present in different PC with Windows 2000 and there is no problem.
I work with VisualFox from many year and i want to use FoxWeb to develop my program in Web environment.
Thank you for yoru attention. I hope to be make clear.
                                                                         Danilo Agostini
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/19/2002 02:30:02 AM:
We have not encountered any problems with FoxWeb and Windows XP.  Can you please be a little more specific about the nature of the problem?  What are the exact symptoms you are experiencing?  Are you getting any error messages?  Does FoxWeb start properly and does the status window indicate that there are channels waiting?  Are there any errors in fwstart.log?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Danilo Agostini on 10/18/2002 12:48:02 AM:
I want to ask you a question. FoxWeb run in my server with OS Windows 2000 (Server) but my scrip aren't executed in my pc with Windows XP.
The installation of FoxWed have not do any problem, but, my script aren't excecuted.
There is same new version of FoxWeb for Windows XP.
Tank you and excuse me for my bad english.
                                                                         Danilo Agostini