Date:  11/19/2002 02:49:52 PM Msg ID:  001013
From:  Shawn Thread:  001013
Subject:  error trap
Within my .fwx, I use ServerXMLHttp to verify a existing of an external URL and I use ServerXMLHttp.setTimeouts to set the timeout.  As soon as the URL is not existed and and timeout is happened, FOXWEB picks up the error trap and return a error message on browser according to the settings of error Template.
However, my desire is to let my .fwx to do other things when a error(timeout) is happened.  For other of my .fwx, I still want to use the FOXWEB error trap(since it is more completed).  Is there a way to do that so that FOXWEB error trap can return back to the .fwx which the error is happened so that I can have a dynamic output instead of FoxWEB error message showing on browser?
ANy suggestions will be welcome.
(I try to use ServerXMLHttp.Status to trap error, but it is not working.  Since FOXWEB has already trap the error, the program does not return to my original .fwx and instead it shows the FOXWEB error page.)