Date:  12/10/2002 12:02:43 PM Msg ID:  001104
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  000986
Subject:  Re: Controlling Flow
The back button is controlled by the browser and there's nothing we can add to FoxWeb to control its behavior.  The work I was referring to has to be done in JavaScript and will consist of code that will trap the righ-click button for the whole HTML document and perform a different action, such as displaying a different context-sensitive menu, a warning message, or simply nothing.
We are not talking about that much work -- it's probably just a few lines of code, but you need to become familiar with JavaScript and the document object model (DOM).

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Don Dascher on 12/10/2002 08:36:11 AM:
So, it sounds like the answer is ... No, you cannot do that without loads of work.
If so, that would be first on my list of new features to add to the next version of foxweb, if there is going to be one.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 11/05/2002 03:59:01 PM:
You can hide the Back toolbar button by loading your application in a new pop-up window that has no toolbar (such as the one in which you are viewing this message), but you'd have to do a lot more work to disable the Back option in the right-click context-sensitive menu and the backspace keyboard key, which also takes you back to the previous page.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jeff Grippe on 11/05/2002 08:54:09 AM:
Is there any way to disable the Back Button from within a script so that I keep users moving in the direction I want them to. Right now there are many problems that can be caused by the user clicking the back button at the wrong time. I there any way to prevent this on a case by case basis?
Jeff Grippe