Date:  12/11/2002 08:51:17 PM Msg ID:  001118
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001043
Subject:  Re: Foxweb Updates - Discontinued ?
We typically release minor updates to fix known bugs and major new versions to add features to the product.  The final list of features and release date for the next major version are not set at this point, but a lot of work has already been done.  Here are some examples of features that are in the works:
  • Additional components, including an SMTP component for sending email from within scripts.
  • Enhancements to the Session object, including the ability to utilize sessions even cookie support is disabled or the browser does not support cookies.
  • Enhancements to Auth object, including the ability to work with encrypted and case-sensitive passwords.
  • Performance improvements.
  • Objects that will simplify display and editing of data.
  • Additional configuration options in FoxWeb Control Center for finer control of FoxWeb behavior.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Don Dascher on 12/08/2002 10:03:46 AM:
Well, that is good to hear.  Do you have some idea of when the next version might be coming out ?   Also, are you able to divulge any of the new features we might expect ?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 12/01/2002 11:02:24 PM:
You can rest assured that FoxWeb is alive and well.  We are currently working on the next version, but we are still open to suggestions about new features.  If you have something that you would like to see included in the product, please let us know.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Don Dascher on 12/01/2002 02:15:30 PM:
The company at which I work purchased a copy of Foxweb 2-3 years ago and I did some programming with it.   The company has since gone with a commercial website so I haven't been using Foxweb for some time now.
I just recently decided that I may wish to prepare myself for hiring out to build a website and I thought I might take a look at the latest Foxweb to see where it is at. 
I noticed it has not had a new version in almost a year.  I am just wondering if this product is continuing to evolve/improve or has it pretty much stopped at version (whatever).
When I used it last it seemed like it was heading in the right direction and was fairly simple to use.  I would be disappointed to see it die. 
I know it has stiff competition with WestWind, but I have looked at that product and while I am sure it is an excellent product, it can be a little complicated at times for one not spending every waking hour with it.