Date:  12/26/2002 07:36:53 PM Msg ID:  001168
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001158
Subject:  Re: Cookies and FW 1.29
As I explained in my previous message, cookies are not created until they are actually sent to the browser.  The GetCookie method of FoxWeb 2.0 will only return existing cookies, that is cookies that were sent by the browser.  It will not return cookies that have been set in the current request and have still not been sent out to the browser.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Cosby on 12/26/2002 01:55:46 PM:
We are probably going to upgrade, it is just a question of talking the money persons into it.
It looks like the 2.x API would allow me to try to set a cookie, and then check if it had been set, within the same module/code block.  This would greatly simplify the code, do you know if this is possible?
I know it's at least potentially doable, but it would depend whether the set cookie call would get sent as a separate call before the page load returns, or if it is strictly sent with the page load.  I am not sure from reading the docs if that would work.
If it would, it would be a great argument for me in favor of upgrading, the code is kind of touchy the way it is set up now.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 12/24/2002 11:21:28 AM:
Cookies are sent to the browser in the CGI header of your reply, so there's no way to set and retrieve a cookie in the same request.  The way cookies work, they are sent to the browser in the reply of a request and are then returned by the browser as part of all subsequent requests to the same server.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Cosby on 12/23/2002 12:50:14 PM:
So basically, there is no way to set a cookie in 1.29 without reloading the page, is that correct?
Setting a value to Cgi.Cookie isn't going to accomplish anything, as far as I can see.
As far as the code flow I am trying to achieve, if anybody has figured out a way to attempt to set the cookie, and then check whether or not the cookie was set, within the same code block, it would be greatly appreciated.