Date:  01/05/2003 06:06:48 PM Msg ID:  001198
From:  Gene Gerard Thread:  001196
Subject:  Re: Procedure File Error Condition
After posting this message, I keyword/searched your database and came up with a similar reply.
I did what you suggested and rechanged/recreated all the code & file names and it works now and should be ok.
The update of this program when needed, will then be done during off hours.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 01/05/2003 05:28:47 PM:
The problem seems related to the fact that myprocs.fxp is locked by another channel due to the SET PROCEDURE command.  If you want this file to be unlocked after every request, then you must include the commands SET PROCEDURE TO, or RELEASE PROCEDURE myprocs.  A convinient place to insert these commands is fw_exit.prg.
You will also get similar messages when you attempt to call code in myprocs.prg after editing it, if another channel has kept myprocs.fxp locked after a previous request.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Gene Gerard on 01/05/2003 12:46:09 PM:
I'm getting an error condition from my site that does not occur on my local host. The current error reports:
There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

Error#          1705
Message:        File access is denied
Line#           5
Line:           ERASE myprocs.fxp
This happens when I try to use the "ERASE my_procs.fxp" command although I got similar messages when trying to access procedures/functions from FWX pages with the following first 2 lines of code in my FWX:
<% SET PROCEDURE TO myprocs.prg
      DO proc1 WITH "myvar" %>
The errors then occured when line 1 or 2 was called.
An FTP 'delete' would remove the 'myprocs.prg' but not the 'myprocs.fxp' and the following line would display.
"550 myprocs.FXP: The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. "
It acts like the attribute of MYPROCS.FXP is set to read-only bu it can't be accessed either.
I had this situation before when MYPROCS was called MY_PROCS. It worked fine for a while and then the file locked.
I rewrote everything so that the procedure file became MYPROCS and it worked fine yesterday.
This morning, it locked up again.
Any ideas?