Date:  01/07/2003 04:15:26 PM Msg ID:  001201
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001140
Subject:  Re: Many, Many fields.
You can create a tabbed interface, similar to the one used by the FoxWeb Error Log Viewer sample application, which gets installed with the software.  As long as all tabs are within the same form, all fields in them will be submitted simultaneously when the user presses the submit button.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Don Dascher on 12/17/2002 07:06:18 AM:
I have designed a basic user interface for ADD,EDIT,DELETE,etc .... of data all within a single FWX file.  It works pretty well.
My next consideration is .... What happens when the file contains so many fields to edit that they do not fit nicely within a single screen without scrolling down ?
I could simulate TABS with some sort of complicated set of buttons and this could work for viewing but while editing them it would be somewhat more complicated.
Just wondering how some of you have dealt with this issue.