Date:  01/07/2003 04:18:37 PM Msg ID:  001202
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001199
Subject:  Re: Nested Calls in foxweb
If by "nesting" you mean calling an FWX script from another FWX script, yes you can.  You will need to use the Server.Transfer or Server.Execute methods.
The included error message was generated by an ASP page -- not by an FWX script.  I am not sure how it is related to FoxWeb.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Michael Pena on 01/06/2003 08:29:36 PM:
Is it possible to  nest calls in Foxweb?  I get an error when I called an fwx form from within.  Below is the error message I get: 

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'CLng'

/bin/n_libEncode.asp, line 21

