Date:  01/10/2003 08:10:28 PM Msg ID:  001215
From:  john hays Thread:  001213
Subject:  Re: strange behavior
The script that is hanging calls a program that I downloaded which makes a PDF doc out of a VFP report. I did look in my code for the illegal commands but found nothing, however in digging a little deeper into the PDF maker programs I found a WAIT command inside a proc. that fires only after a certain time in mil. secs has passed while making the .ps and .pdf files.  It appears that this the culprit.  I was about to give up, but thanks to your quick response and guidance I was able to identify the problem.  Thanks for your help!

BTW for anyone that is using PDFMaker with Ghostscript, the offending program that has the WAIT command is ps2pdf.PRG.

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 01/10/2003 04:47:47 PM:
There appears to be something in your script, which causes program execution to halt and wait for user input.  Most such commands are listed in the Illegal Commands page of the FoxWeb documentation.  If you can't find the offending line by simply looking at your code, you may need to debug your scripts by using the instructions in the Troubleshooting chapter.

FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by john hays on 01/10/2003 03:20:14 PM:
This is strange.   When executing a .fwx script the channel hangs and just sits there with the busy prompt.  Here's the strange part.  If i just move my mouse into the busy foxweb channel window (I have the config set to not hide channels) not clicking, but just nudge my mouse pointer into the foxweb channel window, the script finishes and the foxweb channel clears.  Any ideas?

BTW - I have several other scripts that work perfectly.

Thanks for any suggestions / ideas
