Date:  01/23/2003 11:04:10 AM Msg ID:  001290
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001279
Subject:  Re: How can I say a User \"Wait a minute\"?
The link in my original message pointed to the code used to create the demo.  You can simply download the files and use them in your own scripts.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Ronald Olds on 01/23/2003 06:13:20 AM:
I like this little demo, it shows what can be done with foxweb. do you have a place that you have things like this saved that we can use in our programs that we dont have to rewrite them ourselves?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 01/22/2003 11:42:12 PM:
One way to do this is to use DHTML.  Simply send a DIV tag with the information that you want to convey and after the operation is completed send JavaScript code that hides this DIV block.  While the operation is running you can even edit the contents of the DIV block to provide feedback on the operations's progress.  The following link points to an example of this technique: ProgressBarDemo.  You can download the code used to create this demo from our Web site.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Carlos Fuertes on 01/21/2003 12:42:20 PM:
I'm using a Foxweb script to retrieve some information from users. When the user clicks the submit button, the script saves the information in a table, calls to a prg file to create a little project an then build an exe file, and then sends a couple of e-mails with the exe file attached. Everything works fine but it takes some time (of course) to do the work. The question is, how can I send a "wait a minute, please, we are working" notifier to the browser while this happens, so the user won't think the system is hanged?. Probably I could force to open a new page in other little window. How can I do this, and, How can I clear it latter?