Date:  03/03/2003 10:05:10 AM Msg ID:  001354
From:  Curtis Hertwig Thread:  001350
Subject:  Re: Timeout and Other Errors
I was watching this today with 3 channels available, but only 1 in use. I generated additional requests, but they were left pending till the one channel in use was done.
Does FoxWeb just not work well under load?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/28/2003 12:42:10 AM:
We have seen similar problems in situations where several channels time out while the CPU load on the server is really high -- either because of FoxWeb script execution, or other external processes.
We are working on a fix, which should help the situation, but you should probably look at your fwstart.log file to determine whether any particular script or scripts are causing most of the timeouts and try to improve the situation -- either by improving the efficiency of the script, or by utilizing the Server.AddScriptTimeout method.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Curtis Hertwig on 02/26/2003 01:28:18 PM:
Just within the last couple of days we've been getting a lot of Timeout errors along with errors saying that the user can't connect to the broker (FoxWeb) or that there are no channels running.
Even now, although my scripts are running, the Show_Channels.fwx says that there are no channels active. Before that it showed that only 2 channels were running (there were supposed to be 3) with 6 requests pending. And before that it showed 3 channels active, but only 1 busy with 4 requests pending.
To my knowledge, no one has made any changes to this computer in weeks.

<font color=red>     -cjh</font>