Date:  03/26/2003 06:00:09 AM Msg ID:  001388
From:  James Williams Thread:  001373
Subject:  Re: Foxweb channels
No, Foxweb is up and running 24/7 and seems to be serving fwx pages without a problem, but everytime i run show_channels.fwx is says no channels active. Is there anything i can try to get this working again.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 03/24/2003 07:36:31 PM:
ChanStat retrieves Last Request Time and Logical Path information from the registry (\\hklm\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb\CurrentVersion\Channels).  The values it looks for are LogicalPathX for the logical path and X for the last request time, where X is the channel number.  These values are reset whenever FoxWeb is restarted, is if your channels have not served any hits since the last restart, the columns in question will be blank.
As I mentioned in my previous message, ChanStat.fwx was not designed for and has not been tested with FoxWeb 2, so use with caution.
I don't know why you got the "No Channels Active" error with show_channels.fwx, but this should not be happening.  Could it be that FoxWeb was stopped at the time?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by James Williams on 03/24/2003 03:27:20 AM:
show_channels.fwx allways returns the following :

FoxWeb Message

The FoxWeb Service has returned the following message:

No Channels Active
The site seems to be running fine. I have set a max channels of 8, is something wrong.
chanstat.fwx seems to work apart from the date&time (which was working a few weeks ago), it also shows me the 8 channels.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 03/20/2003 04:56:48 PM:
The file ChanStat.fwx only works with FoxWeb 1.X.  For FoxWeb 2.X use the built in script show_channels.fwx.  Show_channels will not show you the date/time of the last request, but it will show you the status of each active channel.
FoxWebCtrl 10053 and 10054 errors typically indicate that the connection between the channel and foxweb.exe/dll broke for some reason.  It is not clear why this would be happening, but we don't believe that these errors actually affect user requests.  We are looking on ways to deal with the issue and hope to have a resolution soon.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by James Williams on 03/17/2003 05:34:29 AM:
I downloaded the chanstat.fwx script and have been using it to monitor the channels. It used to show me the last date & time of a request but this column is now just blank.
I have restarted the service & the server, but no dates & times.
also i am monitoring a lot of FoxWebCtrl Socket Error: 10053 and then channel restarts. No errors are being recorded and the scrips are executing fine. (Why the errors if scripts are being processed ok)
I am running Win2k server & foxweb 2.11
Any suggestions.