Date:  04/25/2003 12:19:27 AM Msg ID:  001437
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001433
Subject:  Re: Loading DLL
You can load DLLs in fw_enter.prg.  Even though this program is executed before each request, you can check whether the DLL has already been loaded before loading it.
If you are referring to a COM DLL then you can use something like this:
IF TYPE('oMyObject') = 'U'
PUBLIC oMyObject
oMyObject = CREATEOBJECT('MyClass')
If you are referring to an old style (non-COM) DLL, you can use something like the following:
IF TYPE('HasDeclared') = 'U'
PUBLIC HasDeclared
HasDeclared = .T.

Both examples above declare variables as PUBLIC, so that they are remembered between requests.  Please note that all variables and DLL declarations are cleared after a script error, so in such cases the DLL will get reloaded.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Curtis Hertwig on 04/23/2003 11:10:13 AM:
I have a DLL that must be loaded, but it takes several seconds to load. Is there somewhere that I could load it each time a channel starts so it wouldn't impact the script running time so much?
