Date:  05/15/2003 09:36:45 PM Msg ID:  001451
From:  Joe Goldsmith Thread:  001451
Subject:  Adding Input to Quoted Text
Hello All. I have a form where visitors register for my newsletter. Once they register I send them an email with a link that they press to confirm their registration. This is a way to make sure that their email address is real. The problem is adding a querystring to the link back URL so I can grab the ID and update the record. The code fragment is:
M.clientid = Request.Form('clientid')
isMsg = isMsg+"Thank you for taking the time to join my newsletter."
isMsg = isMsg+"Please click on the link below to complete "
isMsg = isMsg+"your registration.<BR><BR>"
isMsg = isMsg+"<A HREF=''(m.clientid)>[Click Here To Complete Your Registration]</A>"
In the fragment above, I get the ID entry then create the body of the email concatening text using the var isMsg. This works very well except I cannot add the value of m.clientid to the link to gram and complete registration. Any help would be appreciated.
