Date:  06/11/2003 02:20:36 PM Msg ID:  001494
From:  jay ball Thread:  001492
Subject:  Re: Foxweb Channel Stopped Responding

I came to the forum for this same reason. I am running 2.11 and this error is common.  Any Ideas?/ thanks jay

06/11/2003 17:08:21 A fatal Error has occurred:
                    Err. Number: 112
                    Message: Invalid key length.
                    Line Number: 345
                    Line: INDEX ...
                    FoxWeb will now exit
                    If this error persists contact customer support
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/11/2003 12:25:56 PM:
Which version of FoxWeb are you using, 2.0, 2.1, or 2.11?  There used to be an issue that caused error 112 "Invalid key length", but this was fixed in a previous release.

FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by jean-philippe LAPORT on 06/11/2003 06:48:48 AM:
Recently, We used Foxweb 1.29 for our application AND It works fine.
But now we want to upgrate to Foxweb 2 in order to use Multi-server.

At every Time, When I try to connect to a Foxweb Script, I Have the message "Foxweb Channel Stopped Responding"

No error was put in Error Log, but in Fw_start, I have the following message:

11/06/2003 15:33:31 A fatal Error has occurred:
                    Err. Number: 112
                    Message: Longueur de clé non valide.
                    Line Number: 345
                    Line: INDEX ...
                    FoxWeb will now exit
                    If this error persists contact customer support
06/11/2003 15:33:33 Restarting Channel 1 /valid_urgence@s_saisie_appel

I have put a Set step on At the beginning of My script and
The error occurs before connect to my script. The fw_enter script was empty.

please, can you help me.

My configuration :

- Server WEB : IIS
- WINDOW 2000 Server (French)
- Foxweb running normally with VFP6 (not as service or Run-Time DLL)