Date:  06/15/2003 11:50:07 PM Msg ID:  001503
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001500
Subject:  Re: website access and foxweb authentication
If you want to use FoxWeb to authenticate users, you will also have to serve the protected content with FoxWeb, which works great in most situations, but is not the most efficient method for heavily loaded servers, or for protecting very large documents.  FoxWeb runs outside the IIS process, so you will get better use of resources if you don't force static content to be served via FoxWeb scripts.  If you do choose to use FoxWeb, then the Returning Content to the Browser topic of the FoxWeb documentation contains information about serving non-HTML code with FoxWeb scripts.
An alternative would be to use one of the 3rd party products that install themselves as ISAPI filters and can either use their own internal database, or connect to an ODBC data source (including a VFP table) for userid/password information.  One such product is AuthentiX by Flicks software.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jo�l Croquet on 06/14/2003 10:17:23 AM:
I would like to give access to a virtual directory only to users authenticated first with a Foxweb program (so without using Windows users database).
The purpose is to publish technical documentation (in html, gif, pdf, etc) on the site, but reserved to professionals already defined in a foxweb application.
I'm using IIS 5 on W2K with the latest version of Foxweb.
Thanks by advance