Date:  06/22/2003 11:52:23 PM Msg ID:  001512
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001492
Subject:  Re: Foxweb Channel Stopped Responding
I am not surprised that the page works fine after you reload, because after each error channels re-initialize themselves.  Did you ever get a chance to determine whether your scripts utilize the SET COLLATE command?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by jean-philippe LAPORT on 06/20/2003 03:00:59 AM:
I am using Foxweb 2.11 but I'll try Foxweb 2.5.
It's very strange because If I reload my page, it work very well.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/12/2003 06:13:33 PM:
This error means that the code is trying to index a field that is longer than 240 bytes.  The field being indexed here is 120 characters long, which translates to 120 bytes if SET COLLATE is equal to MACHINE and 240 characters long if it is equal to GENERAL.  Are you using the SET COLLATE statement at all in your scripts?  If yes, what are you setting it to?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by jay ball on 06/11/2003 02:20:36 PM:

I came to the forum for this same reason. I am running 2.11 and this error is common.  Any Ideas?/ thanks jay

06/11/2003 17:08:21 A fatal Error has occurred:
                    Err. Number: 112
                    Message: Invalid key length.
                    Line Number: 345
                    Line: INDEX ...
                    FoxWeb will now exit
                    If this error persists contact customer support
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/11/2003 12:25:56 PM:
Which version of FoxWeb are you using, 2.0, 2.1, or 2.11?  There used to be an issue that caused error 112 "Invalid key length", but this was fixed in a previous release.

FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by jean-philippe LAPORT on 06/11/2003 06:48:48 AM:
Recently, We used Foxweb 1.29 for our application AND It works fine.
But now we want to upgrate to Foxweb 2 in order to use Multi-server.

At every Time, When I try to connect to a Foxweb Script, I Have the message "Foxweb Channel Stopped Responding"

No error was put in Error Log, but in Fw_start, I have the following message:

11/06/2003 15:33:31 A fatal Error has occurred:
                    Err. Number: 112
                    Message: Longueur de clé non valide.
                    Line Number: 345
                    Line: INDEX ...
                    FoxWeb will now exit
                    If this error persists contact customer support
06/11/2003 15:33:33 Restarting Channel 1 /valid_urgence@s_saisie_appel

I have put a Set step on At the beginning of My script and
The error occurs before connect to my script. The fw_enter script was empty.

please, can you help me.

My configuration :

- Server WEB : IIS
- WINDOW 2000 Server (French)
- Foxweb running normally with VFP6 (not as service or Run-Time DLL)