Date:  06/22/2003 11:55:19 PM Msg ID:  001513
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001499
Subject:  Re: 2003
I have not seen this problem before.  Are you logged into Windows with admin rights during setup?  Could it be that the setup program simply does not have the necesary rights to copy files to the system32 directory?
Regardless, aspSmartMail.dll is not necessary for FoxWeb to function.  If the setup program allows you to ignore the error and continue, you don't need to worry about it.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Robert Thomas on 06/20/2003 12:14:54 PM:
During installation...the following pop-up appears
One or more files did not properly self-register.
The specified module could not be found.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/20/2003 12:23:35 AM:
Please be a little more specific.  Are you getting a pop-up error message, or a log entry?  When do you get the error -- during installation, or what you try to run FoxWeb?  Are you logged in as an administrator during setup?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Robert Thomas on 06/19/2003 04:42:05 PM:
Decided to bite the bullet and install 2.5 on 2003 Web Edition..
Complains about aspsmartmail.dll missing??
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/15/2003 11:30:22 PM:
FoxWeb works great with Windows 2003, but you will need to manually configure IIS to allow requests for foxweb.dll, or foxweb.exe.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Robert Thomas on 06/13/2003 09:18:47 PM:
Is any one using FoxWeb with 2003 Web Edition?
We are trying to decide on which version to get..