Date:  06/24/2003 09:06:32 AM Msg ID:  001520
From:  Elmer Espinoza Thread:  001515
Subject:  Re: Error in FoxWeb Foundation Program
thanks, my problem was memory variable "AUTH", it's a reserverd word
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/23/2003 03:33:40 PM:
The FoxWeb Error Log (accessible via the FoxWeb Control Center) should have additional information about these errors.  If you have trouble troubleshooting the problem after examining the log, please send us a copy of the files errors.dbf/cdx/fpt in your FoxWeb installation directory, so that we can assist you.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Elmer Espinoza on 06/23/2003 01:02:00 PM:

Why do I have  these errors ?, when user cookies and redirects

thanks, Elmer.


There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

Message: Error in FoxWeb Foundation Program