Date:  07/07/2003 08:11:45 PM Msg ID:  001530
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001526
Subject:  Re: IIS LOCKDOWN
Since the UseAllowExtensions setting is set to 0, the DenyExtensions section will be used.  In that section you need to either remove or comment out the line starting with ".exe".

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Adam Wiles on 07/03/2003 10:22:07 AM:
Ok here is what i have i did not see anything about .dll or cgi can you help further?
UseAllowVerbs=1                ; if 1, use [AllowVerbs] section, else use [DenyVerbs] section
UseAllowExtensions=0           ; if 1, use [AllowExtensions] section, else use [DenyExtensions] section
NormalizeUrlBeforeScan=1       ; if 1, canonicalize URL before processing
VerifyNormalization=1          ; if 1, canonicalize URL twice and reject request if a change occurs
AllowHighBitCharacters=0       ; if 1, allow high bit (ie. UTF8 or MBCS) characters in URL
AllowDotInPath=0               ; if 1, allow dots that are not file extensions
RemoveServerHeader=0           ; if 1, remove "Server" header from response
EnableLogging=1                ; if 1, log UrlScan activity
PerProcessLogging=0            ; if 1, the UrlScan.log filename will contain a PID (ie. UrlScan.123.log)
AllowLateScanning=0            ; if 1, then UrlScan will load as a low priority filter.
PerDayLogging=1                ; if 1, UrlScan will produce a new log each day with activity in the form UrlScan.010101.log
RejectResponseUrl=             ; UrlScan will send rejected requests to the URL specified here. Default is /<Rejected-by-UrlScan>
UseFastPathReject=0            ; If 1, then UrlScan will not use the RejectResponseUrl or allow IIS to log the request
; If RemoveServerHeader is 0, then AlternateServerName can be
; used to specify a replacement for IIS's built in 'Server' header
; The verbs (aka HTTP methods) listed here are those commonly
; processed by a typical IIS server.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowVerbs=1"
; is set in the [Options] section above.
; The verbs (aka HTTP methods) listed here are used for publishing
; content to an IIS server via WebDAV.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowVerbs=0"
; is set in the [Options] section above.
; The following request headers alter processing of a
; request by causing the server to process the request
; as if it were intended to be a WebDAV request, instead
; of a request to retrieve a resource.
; Extensions listed here are commonly used on a typical IIS server.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowExtensions=1"
; is set in the [Options] section above.
; Extensions listed here either run code directly on the server,
; are processed as scripts, or are static files that are
; generally not intended to be served out.
; Note that these entries are effective if "UseAllowExtensions=0"
; is set in the [Options] section above.
; Deny executables that could run on the server
; Deny infrequently used scripts
.htw     ; Maps to webhits.dll, part of Index Server
.ida     ; Maps to idq.dll, part of Index Server
.idq     ; Maps to idq.dll, part of Index Server
.htr     ; Maps to ism.dll, a legacy administrative tool
.idc     ; Maps to httpodbc.dll, a legacy database access tool
.shtm    ; Maps to ssinc.dll, for Server Side Includes
.shtml   ; Maps to ssinc.dll, for Server Side Includes
.stm     ; Maps to ssinc.dll, for Server Side Includes
.printer ; Maps to msw3prt.dll, for Internet Printing Services
; Deny various static files
.ini     ; Configuration files
.log     ; Log files
.pol     ; Policy files
.dat     ; Configuration files
..  ; Don't allow directory traversals
./  ; Don't allow trailing dot on a directory name
\   ; Don't allow backslashes in URL
:   ; Don't allow alternate stream access
%   ; Don't allow escaping after normalization
&   ; Don't allow multiple CGI processes to run on a single request
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/02/2003 01:51:34 PM:
IIS Lockdown installs URLScan, an ISAPI filter that filters out certain incoming URLs, based on a set of rules specified by the administrator.  In its default configuration, URLScan prevents CGI requests from getting through.  In order to enable such requests, you must add .exe and .dll to the list of allowable extensions.  For more details please refer to;en-us;307608.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Adam Wiles on 07/02/2003 05:55:51 AM:
When running iis lock down fox web will not work what can i do to make it work with it?