Date:  07/09/2003 10:18:50 PM Msg ID:  001533
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001531
Subject:  Re: Opened window after report generation
Dear Arnaud,
First of all I should mention that running a report from a FoxWeb script with the TO PRINTER option will not cause the output to be sent to the client's printer, but rather to the printer attached to the Web server.  Is this what you want?
I am not sure which window you are referring to.  Does this window stay around after the report is printed?  What is the content of the window?  I tried running a report within FoxWeb and even-though a window appears displaying the report generation progress, this window disappears as soon as the report generation is done.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Arnaud on 07/08/2003 02:12:06 AM:
Here is my problem :  I want to generate a fox report with a foxweb script without opening the foxweb window.
No problem to generate the report with command :
In foxweb configuration panel the "Hide windows" box is checked
I do not want to use foxweb as a service.
How can i do to hide or not open the "FoxWeb1" widow that appears each time i generate a report.
Thanks to help me