Date:  07/28/2003 03:55:59 PM Msg ID:  001556
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001549
Subject:  Re: Web Error Reporting
FoxWeb 2.5 uses the same format to display error messages, but also allows you to specify a different fwx file to use as an error template.  For additional information, please refer to the FoxWeb Configuration page of the FoxWeb documentation.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by D Divens on 07/22/2003 12:04:09 PM:
The older version of FoxWeb had a nice detailed web-based error report, how do we get the newer version to display errors like the old one did, like this:

Error in CGI data Server

There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

   Error #: 9
   Message: Data type mismatch.
   Line # : 216
   Line   : cBody = cBody + MergeTxt(cRep1Detail)+CR

If this error persists please contact:
Thanks for your time,