Date:  08/05/2003 05:06:43 PM Msg ID:  001574
From:  Daniel Hernandez Thread:  001572
Subject:  Re: Uploading Files
thanks for your faster answer, I are very glad of your service
I also try locally, the diference is that I can upload more mb, but sounds like a 5 minuts is the limit and foxweb ignore the Script Timeout to 999 secs, the session timeout to 20 min. and my costomer use and 56kb modem and need to upload 4mb files most times
I also add this code to the upload program
Session.Timeout = 17
The foxweb control center doesnt show any error in the error log
the fwstart.log  doesnt show any error in the error log
I find this error in ths system log in Win2k

The script started from the URL '/cgi-bin/foxweb.exe' with parameters '' has not responded within the configured timeout period. The HTTP server is terminating the script.

For additional information specific to this message please visit the Microsoft Online Support site located at:

the browser show this error after 5 minutes

Action canceled

Internet Explorer was unable to link to the Web page you requested. The page might be temporarily unavailable.

Please try the following:

  • Click the refresh.gif (82 bytes) Refresh button, or try again later.
  • If you have visited this page previously and you want to view what has been stored on your computer, click File, and then click Work Offline.
  • For information about offline browsing with Internet Explorer, click the Help menu, and then click Contents and Index.

Internet Explorer

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/05/2003 04:58:13 PM:
Do you get a similar problem when you try uploading a file from another browser with a faster connection, or does the problem only occur from the slower connection?  In my calculations, it would take about 8 minutes to upload a 2MB file to a server over a 33 kbps connection.
What is the exact error message that you receive in the browser when the upload fails?  If possible paste the return page in a post, or email us a screen capture.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Daniel Hernandez on 08/05/2003 04:38:24 PM:
Hi, I just upgrade my version from 2.11 to 2.5 to solve that problem, y set the Script Timeout to 200 secs, the session timeout to 20 min. and still having the problem, after 5 minuts, the browser return an error page, I are using a Windows 2000 server english version, the problem was that I develop a webmail for one of my customers and finish 3 weeks ago, and the customer can not upload more than 2 mb files with a modem to attach to an email.
foxweb have a solution for that?