Date:  09/01/2003 11:35:35 PM Msg ID:  001596
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001595
Subject:  Re: MDAC 2.7
FoxWeb channels are written in VFP and use the native VFP engine to access data.  We are not aware of any incompatibilities between VFP and MDAC 2.7, but there may well be some.
It is a little surprising to me that MDAC would affect VFP programs at all.  Are you connecting to your data via ODBC?  If yes, what is the data source?

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jose Madeira on 08/29/2003 12:56:42 PM:
Anybody knows if the new MDAC 2.7 SP1 causes any trouble in systems with Foxweb 1.29C or 2.5? I´ve got troubles when accessing data after updating this. Without data Foxweb works fine. But when some data are requested, it returns the data is invalid.