Date:  09/10/2003 03:48:19 PM Msg ID:  001618
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001617
Subject:  Re: URLs to *.fxp\'s not working
Your URLs should never include the .fxp extension.  The extension for calling FoxWeb scripts should always be .fwx, regardless of whether you are calling .fwx, or .prg files.  Both of these files are eventually compiled as .fxp files anyway.
The .fxp extension probably works on your production server because somebody configured it for script mapping.  The problem is that FoxWeb is not aware of this extension, so some features may not work properly.  Simply change your scripts and replace all URLs that contain ".fxp" with ".fwx".

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joel Garringer on 09/09/2003 09:30:29 PM:
I am talking over support responsibilities for an application that uses FoxWeb, and the problem I am having is that the code from the production server does not seem to work correctly on the test server.
On the production server the code that references files with ".fxp" extension are referenced extensively for instance "clt_auth.fxp". Ofcourse they work fine on that server.
On the test server the references to files with *.fxp just return "The page cannot be found". Files with extention .fwx work fine, but not the ones with ,fxp.
I am sure it is a configuration issue that I am missing but I can't fine much reference to ,fxp in the FoxWeb documentation.