Date:  09/11/2003 03:42:52 PM Msg ID:  001622
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001620
Subject:  Re: Error in foundation program
The FoxWeb Error Log always contains additional information about the "Error in FoxWeb Foundation Program" message.  If the information you find is not sufficient, please post it here, or send us a copy of the log.  We will need errors.dbf, errors.cdx and errors.fpt.
By the way, your form tag is incorrect.  The correct syntax is:
<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="save@chargefile.fwx">

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jphilippe LAPORT on 09/11/2003 08:23:56 AM:
I have a problem with Foxweb 1.29 :
I use a script which upload Files from Clients to the Server. Here is a part of my script :
html_out = 'content-type=text/html'
    +'<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" method post action=save@chargefile?>'
    <input type="file" name="fichier" size=40 value="">
Here is my procedure save:
Proc save
   W_fichier= formfield("fichier")
   W_file = formfield("fichier", ,2)
   W_type = formfield("fichier", ,3)
   W_rep = 'c:\temp\'
   W_res = WriteFile("&W_rep.image\&W_file",W_fichier)
   If !W_res
      html_out = procedureError
These scripts work very well, here. But At client's home, I have this error when the file to upload is more than 200 ko :

Error in CGI data Server

There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

   Error #: 0
   Message: Error in FoxWeb Foundation Program
   Program: FoxWeb



Foxweb is working on Windows NT4 Workstation.

Can somebody help me ?