Date:  09/27/2003 01:16:52 AM Msg ID:  001642
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001639
Subject:  Re: UPDATE
The problem appears to be caused not by the syntax of your code, but rather the data type of the two variables (CLFNAME and CLLNAME).
Regarding installing VFP 8 on your server, you don't have to uninstall VFP 7 if you don't want to.  Here are the suggested steps:
  1. Install VFP 8 and verify it's working properly.
  2. Open the FoxWeb Control Center and record your software key and company name in the license tab
  3. Uninstall FoxWeb
  4. Re-install FoxWeb, specifying that you want the VFP 8 version
  5. Open the FoxWeb Control Center, enter your software key and company name in the License tab and point to the VFP 8 executable in the Configuration tab.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 09/25/2003 10:55:12 PM:
Thie line of code works well in he command window I just found out but not when running the web application. However, I failed to install VF8 on the server so the server is still running VFP7. This may be the problem. So:
1. Should I unstall VFP 7 from the server before installing VFP 8?
2. Or, should I just put VFP runtime on the server (which files are they?)
Any help would be appreciated.
Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 09/25/2003 10:42:06 PM:
I just installed VFP 8 and ran across the following problem.
The line of code:
always worked in VFP 7 but now after I opened the project under VFP 8 I get the following error:
Error #:      107
Message: Operator/operand type mismatch.
Program: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\refer\manageclients.fxp
Line #: 101

I tried many variations on this code and it just seems to not do string contenation any longer. Can anyone tell me why this is now tossing out an error please?

