Date:  10/13/2003 07:29:22 PM Msg ID:  001681
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001672
Subject:  Re: Checkbox Format
I see.  Still the part about the data type of the sclientid field in my original reply still stands.  The error message in question will only be returned if the argument passed to the Request.Form method is not of type "C".  If you check the memory variables in the error log you will see that this is the case.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 10/13/2003 06:11:07 PM:
Yes, higher ip in the page I do. What I sent is just a snippit. Any ideas?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/13/2003 10:17:00 AM:
I don't see any place in your code where you are setting the value of variable sclientid.  Most probably the Request.Form method is complaining because sclientid is not a character string.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Joe Goldsmith on 10/11/2003 08:28:58 PM:
I have a table with a list of buyers and I want to send a listing to chosen buyers. To do this I want to use a checkbox then run through the buyers list and check for a checked checkbox. The code snippit is:

IF Request.FormCount("btnchoice") > 0
    FOR I = 1 TO m.lnbuyrecs
    GO I 
    IF Request.Form(sclientid) = "1"
<FORM NAME=addproperty METHOD=post ACTION="abuyertomany.fwx">
    <TABLE CELLSPACING=1 width=100%>
    <%SELECT buyers%>
    <%FOR I = 1 TO m.lnbuyrecs
    GO I%>
             <INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME=<%=(sclientid)%> VALUE="1" <%=IIF(Request.Form("TEST") = "1", "checked", "")%>>
             <INPUT TYPE="Submit" NAME=btnchoice VALUE="Send">
The error message is:
Message:  Invalid FieldName parameter
Program:  c:\inetpub\wwwroot\admin\abuyertomany.fxp
Line #:  109
Line:  IF Request.Form(sclientid) = "1"
I know that the checkbox syntax is wrong but I cannot figure out the right syntax for the Request.Form. Can someone help please?