Date:  10/16/2003 07:01:40 AM Msg ID:  001687
From:  Randy Petty Thread:  001670
Subject:  Re: sys(3050) with 2GB RAM
Thanks for your response.  To take this a little further.  Our main "problem" server at the moment has only 1/2 GB Ram and runs one client.  Foxweb, IIS and the VFP 6 database are all one this one win2k server dedicated to this one client.  We won't be able to change our table layouts much in the short run.  The primary data table, admittedly poorly designed, has a record length of over 1900 characters with 800,000 records.  About 1.1 GB on disk. It also has over 40 indexes.
This is a poweredge DEll 4600 with 2 CPUs running around 2MHz.  Despite my urging we are still running 8 foxweb channels on foxweb 1.29C.   In task manager I see, at most, a foxweb channel using about 15MB of ram.   If you open VFP and check  sys(3050,1)  you get 342MB  available.  sys(3050,2) reports about 85MB available.
That brings up another point, would foxweb normally be operating in the foreground or background?  Don't see any buffering check box in this version of Foxweb.  We will probably be on sql server within 12-18 months but would really like to improve performance in the mean time.
From what you said below, is the foxweb startup buffer size limiting our foxweb channels to only around
15mb of ram?
Randy Petty
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/13/2003 10:23:55 AM:
I have never heard of VFP stability issues related to having too much physical memory in the system.  In fact, we have used VFP on servers with 2GB with no problems whatsoever.
FoxWeb uses the following code to set the buffer size during startup:
=SYS(3050, 1, VAL(SYS(3050, 1)) / fwConfig.TotalChannels)
Essentially, what this does is it devides the default buffer size value by the total number of channels about to be started.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Randy Petty on 10/11/2003 12:16:51 PM:
We're still using VFP 6, both on Windows NT and Windows 2000 Advanced Server. After two of our production servers were upgraded to 2 GB Ram ( most have 1/2 GB) , some developers decided it was wise to add a call to sys(3050,1,600000000)
in some of our primary programs.

Generally the only thing running on our production servers is FoxWeb 1.29c which links the customer on the browser to the FoxPro data on the back end. ( typically about 5 Foxweb channels ) Why would we want to limit the amount of RAM Foxpro can use, especially when some of the tables are over 1GB in size? Some felt that FoxPro would crash without that sys command, and that VFP 6 was never designed to make use of that much RAM. If so, why buy the additional RAM?

Randy Petty