Date:  10/19/2003 11:06:03 AM Msg ID:  001694
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001686
Subject:  Re: Default delimiters
If you don't want to mess with the registry editor, you can add/modify the delimiter registry entries from a FoxWeb script as follows:
RegPut("FwxDelimiterOpen", "//")
RegPut("FwxDelimiterClose", "\\")

This actually changes the registry, so you only need to do it once.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Anthony Shipley on 10/16/2003 08:54:28 PM:
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/16/2003 08:19:49 PM:
I don't believe this one is documented.  Good observation about the connotation of "default!"

To change the default delimiters you will need to add the following entries in the FoxWeb registry key (hkey_local_machine\software\Aegis Group\FoxWeb\CurrentVersion):

- FwxDelimiterOpen
- FwxDelimiterClose

Thanks for the reply (albeit a rather yucky way, given my propensity to break things). It would be nicer to be able to _also_ code something like:

     <%=Server.Delimiter()%>         && set to default, or

     <%=Server.Delimiter('[', ']')%>  && set to selected characters