Date:  10/23/2003 12:50:54 AM Msg ID:  001696
From:  Anthony Shipley Thread:  001686
Subject:  Re: Default delimiters
Might be what I'm looking for. Because I want users to be able to define their own delimiters, using RegPut might actually result in userA changing it and affecting userB. Can it be localised to the page/script?

Yep, I know: Bloody Users!!!! :-)
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 10/19/2003 11:06:03 AM:
If you don't want to mess with the registry editor, you can add/modify the delimiter registry entries from a FoxWeb script as follows:

RegPut("FwxDelimiterOpen", "//")
RegPut("FwxDelimiterClose", "\\")

This actually changes the registry, so you only need to do it once.