Date:  10/31/2003 12:04:36 PM Msg ID:  001707
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001706
Subject:  Re: Fox Web Channel Stopped Responding
The "FoxWeb Channel Stopped Responding" message means that a channel process was exited before it was finished with script execution.  For example, you can cause this error by including a QUIT command in one of your scripts.
It is not clear why such a problem would be happening on your server.  It is possible that VFP is crashing, or it is possible that one or more of your scripts contain one of the illegal command listed in the FoxWeb documentation.
Does the error occur only with specific scripts?  If yes, then you should concentrate on these scripts.  Also, does this problem always occur when you call the scripts, or is it intermittent?  It would be nice if you could find a page, which always causes the problem if refreshed.  If you can do this, then you can use the techniques listed in the Debugging FoxWeb Scripts chapter of the FoxWeb documentation to trace through the offending script(s) and isolate the code causing the problem.
There are two separate locations where temporary files may be found.  FoxWeb uses the location specified in the FoxWeb Control Center (version 2.5 and above) for some of its own temp files, but it always cleans up after itself.  VFP also creates temporary files, which may not get deleted if the channel crashes, or is restarted by the FoxWeb Channel Monitor.  The location of these files can be found in the registry under:
This setting is specific to the user running FoxWeb.  If you are running FoxWeb as a desktop application then you can log in with the account you normally use and look in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER (or use the VFP Options dialog box).  If on the other hand you are running as a service you will want to find out which account the service is using (the default is SYSTEM) and change it's settings.
The SYSTEM account does not have a subtree in the registry under HKEY_USERS and will usually use the System32 directory as its default temporary location.  For this reason you may want to set the service to run as a specific user, and then log in as this user and change the setting under HKEY_CURRENT_USER.  Note that HKEY_CURRENT_USER is just a pointer to one of the keys under HKEY_USERS, but since it is not easy to determine which key corresponds to which user, it is easier to log in as the desired user and find the value in HKEY_CURRENT_USER.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Steve on 10/30/2003 08:05:45 PM:
I am getting the following message:
FoxWeb Message

The FoxWeb Service has returned the following message:

FoxWeb Channel Stopped Responding.
What might be causing this? 
Additionally, the person who wrote my foxweb program and maintained the server has moved out of the country.  The person that is taking care of the new server is not familiar with foxweb (nor am I).  The program has slowed to a snails pace and  I know that the other person used to delete "temp" files.  Where would I find these temp files?  We were able to find the following message but not the temp files.
Temporary files:
      Each time the Channel Monitor kills unresponsive channels, 1 or more
      temporary files are left in the temp directory.  These files should
      periodically be deleted to free disk space.
Thanks for your help