Date:  02/11/2004 01:44:58 AM Msg ID:  001854
From:  Shayne Sharpe Thread:  001849
Subject:  Re: TMP files
it appears that the TMP file is only left behind when the channel crashes. It was just unusual to see a TMP be created everytime a script was executed. I have never noticed this before.  I wasn't really sure whether it was some type of error.
If I force foxweb to compile my scripts, I can actually see a TMP file being created for each script before it is executed.  The TMP file is created in the same directory as my scripts; and the last one remains after a channel crash.  An example is a TMP file named 8MU8006J.TMP.
thanks for info.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 02/05/2004 10:31:55 AM:
What's the name and location of the TMP files in question?  VFP uses temp files for several funcitons, but usually deletes them after the resource they support (for example a cursor) is destroyed.  Other temp files are deleted when VFP is exited.  What happens if you close FoxWeb?  Do these files go away?  In some cases, such as when a channel crashes, or is killed by FoxWeb, temp files are left behind.  This does not appear to be the case.  In these cases you would see entries in fw_start.log, indicating that the channel was restarted.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Shayne Sharpe on 02/05/2004 02:23:21 AM:
One of our vfp scripts is creating a TMP file on the server.  Foxweb still continues to run without a channel timeout or an error being trapped.
I am not sure why a TMP file would be created and what it is exactly - 
can anyone help?