Date:  03/30/2004 06:51:40 PM Msg ID:  001927
From:  Lew En Lai Thread:  001913
Subject:  Re: Error 1053 in Services applet
I was refering the Foxweb Console as the Foxweb application that is activated everytime we start the foxweb manually and reside on the system tray.
I have manage to find the solution to the problem, in the Services applet in the control panel, in the Foxweb service property, under the "Log On" function, select "Allow service to interact with desktop". Once that is selected, as the service starts automatically from the Win2k3 services applet, the Foxweb application will automatically start as well and will be residing on the system tray.
I have also manage to solve the URL specification problem as what you have advised. I have corrected the default Foxweb program root path in the foxweb control center. Thank you very much for your help and support.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 03/30/2004 04:11:22 PM:
What are you referring to as the 'FoxWeb Console'?
FoxWeb can be run as a service, regardless of whether you have enabled the "Run as Service" option in the FoxWeb Control Center.  The effects of this option are:
  • If the "Run as Service" option is enabled the FoxWeb service is configured to start automatically, while if it is not the service is set to 'Manual'.
  • If the "Run as Service" option is enabled the Start button in the FoxWeb Control Center starts the FoxWeb service , while if it is not enabled it simply runs fwstart.exe as a regular application.

The error you are getting regarding the URL is totally unrelated.  It simply indicates that the URL points to a directory that does not exist under the FoxWeb Program Root.  For the URL you specified (http:\\\cgi-bin\foxweb.exe\myprog\program1), FoxWeb will look for a script called 'program1' in the 'myprog' sub-folder of the FoxWeb Program Root.  What you may need to do is either move the myprog folder from its present location to the FoxWeb Program Root, or you can simply modify the FoxWeb configuration, so that the Program Root is set to the folder containing 'myprog'.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Lew En Lai on 03/30/2004 09:14:27 AM:
I have checked on the Window Event Log and and Fw_start.log. The windows event log recorded the error as what David Hempy mentioned "Timeout (30000 milliseconds) waiting for the FoxWeb service to connect." and another event stated error  "The FoxWeb service failed to start due to the following error: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion."
Through some troubleshooting and testing, I noticed that when the Foxweb console is not activated, I was able to start the Foxweb service on the Win2k3 services applet but I will not be able to start the Foxweb console and vice versa. From this, it seems that the foxweb loaded and runs as a service although "Run as service" is not selected on the Foxweb Control Center. Is this normal? Currently the user for the foxweb service is given the full rights for the purpose of this test and troubleshooting.
Once the Foxweb service is running or the Foxweb console is loaded and running, I was able to run the "show_cgi" test and the webserver responded accordingly. Once I tried running the programmes that I created and it returned error on the browser it shows
"There was an error during the interpretation of your request. The directory specified in the URL does not exist or is inaccessible."
The programmes were created from Foxweb 1.29C. The script is executed i.e "http:\\\cgi-bin\foxweb.exe\myprog\program1" where myprog is my programme root directory. Unalb eto run any of my programmes currently with the new setup. Please advise.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 03/30/2004 12:14:30 AM:
First of all you should check the Windows Event Log and the file fw_start.log for clues as to what is happening.  You should also try specifying a different user for the FoxWeb service.  This is done in the Log On pane of the properties window.  Start with a local account with admin rights just to determine whether this fixes the problem and then try a different account with more appropriate rights.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Lew En Lai on 03/29/2004 08:20:50 AM:
Just recently downloaded the Foxweb 2.6 trial version and installed into a Windows 2003 server with IIS6.
After installing foxweb, I was unable to run the services in the services applet of the control panel.
When I click to start the service in returned an error pop-up message :
Could not start foxweb service on local computer.
Error 1053 - The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
From  the previous postings in the forum, I read that I will need to add an application extension
in the Internet Services Manager. Is the above message related to the application extension in
the Internet Services manager as I have not added it yet? Please advise. Thank you