Date:  05/08/2004 03:43:08 AM Msg ID:  002025
From:  jijo david Thread:  002025
Subject:  error in sample program
Dear All,
when I excecute http://localhost/scripts/foxweb.exe/cont_edit.fwx I get the main menu form and when I clicked on 'add a contact' I get the following error mesage
There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

Error #:      1
Message: File 'createconttypelist.prg' does not exist.
c:\program files\foxweb\programs\contactmine2\cont_edit.fxp
when I clicked on' contact type'  i get http://localhost/scripts/foxweb.exe/type_list.fwx 
from there if  I click 'New' i get the following error mesage
There was an error during the interpretation of your request.

Error #:      1
Message: File 'authform.prg' does not exist.
Program: classserver.transfer fwserverobject.fxp

What could be reason  ?
default programm root is c:\program files\foxweb\programs\contactmine2\         
tahanks in advance