Date:  05/09/2004 07:24:04 AM Msg ID:  002033
From:  jijo david Thread:  002030
Subject:  Refreshing FWX, pls help
sorry for troubling with this type of silly requirement, pls excuse me, I am a beginner
I am declared one  global variable called 'mGuserid' in my main form 'myform.fwx', I am calling Auth.Authenticate function to get user id and stores in to the global variable mGuserid
by using
In myform.fwx I will display the login user name, what I want to do is whenever I change the value of  mguserid, 'myform.fwx' should display the latest name
I am displaying the user id in 'myform.fwx' is as follows.
AuthMessage = "User:" +mguserid
<p font color="red" style="font-size: 8pt; font-family: Arial" ><i> <%=AuthMessage%></font></i><p>
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/08/2004 11:13:12 PM:
The userid is contained in Auth.UserID.
Please refer to the documentation of the Auth object for details on how to use a table to hold your user list.  We will be glad to answer specific questions you may have.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by jijo david on 05/08/2004 10:08:46 PM:
Dear All,
I tried to modify Authenticate.fwx of sample to add a login screen to my application , pls clarify the following
1.After sucsesfull login how can I display the user name in my banner.htm (banner is common thru out my application)
2.How can I take user name and password from Vfp Table (field name is name c(10),pass c(10))
thanks in advance