Date:  05/16/2004 10:01:04 AM Msg ID:  002059
From:  John Hodgson Thread:  000839
Subject:  Re: FoxWeb 2 and Win XP Pro
Hi, Support People
I've just moved from Windows 2000 to XP Pro. FoxWeb ran fine with no problems on the 2000 machine, but now starts a random number of icons on the task bar when it starts. Clicking on the icon simply opens a new window headed FoxWeb1, the FoxWeb status says there's only one channel started. If I start to close down the windows this remains true until the last one is closed when I have zero channels
Any ideas what the problem is?
Thanks for your help
John Hodgson
Sent by cs on 09/03/2002 08:44:20 AM:
The channel opens and closes so fast I cannot click on it.
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/29/2002 02:31:08 PM:
The contents of fwstart.log are a little puzzling.  It seems that in some (but not all) cases, FoxWeb channels have trouble initializing.  Have you tried clicking on the channel icons that appear in the task bar to see if there's a visual indication as to what the problem is?  In some cases you may see a dialog box, or something else that prevents the channel from completing its initialization process.  It seems that after a few tries, your channel manages to start properly.

FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by cs on 08/27/2002 07:43:20 AM:

Here's my fwstart log

!! - where the problem happened

08/22/2002 15:44:20 Starting FoxWeb
08/22/2002 15:44:21 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:22 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:23 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:24 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:25 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:26 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:27 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:28 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:29 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:30 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:31 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:32 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:33 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:34 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:35 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:36 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:37 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:38 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:39 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:44:40 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/22/2002 15:47:07 Closing FoxWeb
08/22/2002 15:47:53 Starting FoxWeb
08/23/2002 09:28:03 Starting FoxWeb
08/23/2002 09:28:03 Restarting Channel 1
08/23/2002 09:28:05 Restarting Channel 1
08/23/2002 11:22:13 Starting FoxWeb
08/23/2002 11:22:14 Restarting Channel 1
08/23/2002 11:23:57 Starting FoxWeb
08/23/2002 11:23:58 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/23/2002 11:23:59 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/23/2002 11:24:00 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/23/2002 11:24:01 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/23/2002 11:24:02 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/23/2002 11:34:12 Starting FoxWeb
08/23/2002 11:34:13 Restarting Channel 1
08/23/2002 11:34:14 Restarting Channel 1
08/23/2002 12:53:49 Starting FoxWeb
08/26/2002 08:57:24 Starting FoxWeb
08/26/2002 08:57:25 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 08:57:26 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 08:57:27 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 09:29:29 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:02:45 Starting FoxWeb
08/26/2002 10:02:46 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:02:47 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:34 Restarting Channel 1 /MilitaryService/Questionnaire.fwx  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:35 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:36 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:37 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:38 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:39 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:40 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:41 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:47 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:48 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:49 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:50 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:51 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:52 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:53 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:54 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:55 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:56 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:57 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:45:58 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:46:12 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:46:22 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:46:23 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:46:24 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:46:25 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:46:26 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:48:06 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:48:07 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 10:48:53 Closing FoxWeb
08/26/2002 10:48:59 Starting FoxWeb
08/26/2002 11:25:58 Starting FoxWeb
08/26/2002 11:25:59 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 11:26:00 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 11:26:01 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 11:26:02 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 11:26:03 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 11:26:04 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 12:26:50 Starting FoxWeb
08/26/2002 12:26:51 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 12:26:52 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/26/2002 12:26:53 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 09:59:20 Starting FoxWeb
08/27/2002 09:59:21 Restarting Channel 1
08/27/2002 09:59:22 Restarting Channel 1
08/27/2002 10:12:03 Starting FoxWeb
08/27/2002 10:12:04 Restarting Channel 1
08/27/2002 10:12:05 Restarting Channel 1
08/27/2002 10:12:06 Restarting Channel 1
08/27/2002 10:31:23 Starting FoxWeb
08/27/2002 10:31:24 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:25 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:26 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:27 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:28 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:29 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:30 Restarting Channel 1  !!
08/27/2002 10:31:31 Restarting Channel 1  !!

Caching problem-  I don have a proxy setup.  I used Opera - delete private data - reload page and still see the old content.
I stopped foxweb and restarted - still see the old content.
I stopped Apache and restarted - still see the old content.

I'll try the two solution you suggested and see if they worked.

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 08/26/2002 02:28:38 PM:
In order to find out what the problem is with issues 1 and 2 we would need access to the file fwstart.log, which is located in the FoxWeb directory.  Please paste the contents of the file in your reply, or send it to us via email.  Don't forget to give us a couple of examples of when the problems occurred, so that we can isolate the pertinent log entries.

The 3rd issue is probably caused by your browser, or Web proxy caching the contents of the page.  There are two ways to get around this:

- Set the Response.Expires or Response.ExpiresAbsolute property at the beginning of your script.  You should also include a <meta name="pragma" content="no-cache"> tag within the <head> section.
- Include a unique token in each URL.  An easy way to do this is to use VFP's SYS(3) function:

<a href="MyProgram.fwx?<%=SYS(3)%>">Search</a>

FoxWeb Support Team email
Sent by cs on 08/26/2002 07:54:23 AM:

I'm having a few quirky problems witn FoxWeb 2 and Win XP Pro.

1.  Sometimes when I start FoxWeb I get 2 channel windows on the task bar even though "Hide window" is checked and I have it set to open 1 channel.

2.  When I close the channel window on tastbar (to restart channel) the new channel window will appear and dissapear multiple times.

3.  I seem to be having a caching problem. The changes I make doesn't allways shows up even after explictly compiling the scripts.  I have "<META HTTP-EQUIV="expires" CONTENT="0">" at the top of the page.  The changes sometimes doesn't even show up after stopping and restarting foxweb.

I have FoxWeb 2, Win XP Pro and Apache 2.04