Date:  05/25/2004 10:14:16 AM Msg ID:  002071
From:  Tim Bowen Thread:  002056
Subject:  Re: Moving IIS to a new server
I've gotten by that error and IIS 5.0 is running. I'v got both .prg & .fwx executable paths set to c:\inetpub\scripts\foxweb.exe. I have my htm files in c:\inetpub\wwwroot. How can I test this to see if it's actually works?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/24/2004 10:51:09 AM:
This sounds like a configuration error.  I recommend that you initially disable the Run as Service option until you get FoxWe running properly.  Once you have fixed the problem, you can re-enable this option.
You should also check the file fwstart.log for any error messages that would help you identify the problem.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 05/24/2004 08:19:48 AM:
Thanks, Is it normal not to be able to start my default web server until other foxweb components are configured correctly? I get the message "service did not respond to start or control request in a timely fashion".
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/21/2004 03:37:51 PM:
The Configuring your Web Server page in the FoxWeb documentation contains detailed instructions on how to configure IIS for use with FoxWeb.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 05/21/2004 01:15:18 PM:
I've decided with other existing issues not to "migrate" but start again fresh. I have a clean IIS 5.0 on the new server and need to go to work setting it up. Can you point me to a good resource that explains all the IIS steps.?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 05/16/2004 07:47:05 PM:
After installing FoxWeb you will have to copy all files from the FoxWeb Program Root and its subfolders from the old server to the same location on the new server.  The actual FoxWeb configuration would not take more than a couple of minutes if done manually, but I guess you could also export the old server and import it in the new server.  You can use regedit.exe, highlight hkey_local_machine\software\Aegis Group and select the File\Export menu option.  Copy the resulting reg file to the new server and double-click on it.
Regarding IIS, there is a utility that can copy Metabase information from one server to another, but I can't remember where I found it in the past.  It may be included in all IIS installations, but more likely I got it from the IIS Resource Kit.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 05/13/2004 10:49:55 AM:
Can anyone advise on easiest way to move all I've got on my IIS 5.0/foxweb web server to new & different hardware? I've put so much configuration work into the current server that I'd hate to duplicate it manually. Thanks.