Date:  06/09/2004 05:31:28 AM Msg ID:  002106
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002092
Subject:  Re: \"Page cannot be found\" IE
Script mapped URLs are more elegant and easier to read.  If your scripts will work OK with script mapped URLs, then there's no need to get the scripts virtual directory configured for executable access.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 06/07/2004 10:24:51 AM:
Since it is working perfectly, is it ok to just leave it as it is or would there be other consequences?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 06/03/2004 02:38:04 PM:
It seems that the "Scripts" virtual directory was never set up, or it was configured incorrectly.  The page "Configuring your Web Server" in the FoxWeb documentation contains detailed instructions on how to set this up.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 06/03/2004 01:35:12 PM:
However this syntax works
looks like I inadvertantly changed something.
Sent by Tim Bowen on 06/03/2004 01:16:33 PM:
I had this working perfect and from anywhere on the network I could access my foxweb site entirely. I'm not sure what I did, or exactly what to look for but after I get to the main page, then to a form fill out page, and hit submit, it thinks the page is no longer there. bombs out. q1.prg.fxp is a perfectly good working prg.
Any clue?