Date:  06/22/2004 04:39:35 PM Msg ID:  002122
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  001551
Subject:  Re: Could not create socket
The client responded via email as follows:
Thank you for your help.  The person housing our server found the problem.  Apparently we had someone hack into our system.  The hacker was making it seem like there was a lot more people using the server than really were.  We have taken extra security measures and reported their IP address to Road Runner.  We will take your suggestion on upgrading the version of FoxWeb.

Thanks again,  Steve

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/28/2003 09:56:15 PM:
Have you tried rebooting your server since the problem started?  Also, have you installed any new software in the last few days?
It would be helpful if you could send us additional information about your server, operating system and version of FoxWeb.  Please complete the questions listed in, which cover the above information.
One last suggestion:  If you have not yet upgraded to FoxWeb 2.5, we highly recommend that you do so immediatelly.  This version is 100% compatible with FoxWeb 2.1 (and 2.0) and contains a number of improvements that will improve the stability and speed of your server.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Steve on 07/23/2003 06:29:18 PM:
I have been running my FoxWeb program for over a year and I just started getting this message yesterday.  I have gotten it three times in two days.  People cannot access my program while this is happening and I have been forced to reboot the server.  Does anyone know what this message means and how to fix it?