Date:  06/22/2004 04:43:06 PM Msg ID:  002123
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002118
Subject:  Re: Could not Create Socket
The instructions in win200fix.asp are only useful in situations where you are trying to run FoxWeb 1.29C on Windows 2000, 2003 and XP servers.  They are not necessary for FoxWeb 2.X.
We only have one other incident fo this error and the last piece of info we got from the client was:
Thank you for your help.  The person housing our server found the problem.  Apparently we had someone hack into our system.  The hacker was making it seem like there was a lot more people using the server than really were.  We have taken extra security measures and reported their IP address to Road Runner.  We will take your suggestion on upgrading the version of FoxWeb.

I'm not sure what this really means -- whether it was a denial of service attack, a trojan horse, or a virus -- but apparently something was causing the server to run out of sockets.  You should try rebooting the server to see if this (at least temporarily) fixes the problem.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by David Hempy on 06/22/2004 10:24:18 AM:
Odd...I started getting the same error again today. (described below)  It had been running fine for the two weeks since my first post.
I restarted improvement.
I restarted the web improvement.
I did not reboot the box.
I went through the steps described in again.  I added the foxweb service user, in addition to the web server user, just for good measure.
I restarted both services, and now the FoxWeb pages are coming up just fine.

David Hempy
Internet Database Administrator
Kentucky Educational Television
(859)258-7164  -  (800)333-9764

Sent by David Hempy on 06/14/2004 08:59:30 PM:
I am in the process of upgrading one of our live servers,, from FoxWeb v1.29 to v2.6.  I was getting the following error in the browser.
FoxWeb Message

The FoxWeb Service has returned the following message:

Could not Create Socket
After much head-scratching, I applied the Win2000 fix found at . 
This fixed the problem.  Only now do I recall I made the same discovery a few months ago.  I miss my other brain cell sometimes.  ;-)
Note that the user you need to grant permissions to is the user (or users) that the web server runs as.  I initially granted this permissions to the user the FoxWeb service ran as, which is not what was needed.
I'm posting this here so I can find it again next time.  If it helps you, too, then so much the better.
David Hempy
Internet Database Administrator
Kentucky Educational Television
(859)258-7164  -  (800)333-9764