Date:  07/15/2004 01:47:02 PM Msg ID:  002140
From:  Francois Vignola Thread:  002140
Subject:  Error whith Auth.Authenticate
I try to move a working project to Windows 2000 Server
I am using FoxWeb v2.6, FoxPro v6.0 with SP5, MDAC v2.8, php v4.3.8 and IIS6 that come with w2k.
Every thing work fine (active page, forms, navigation etc...)
except when I am trying to Authenticate.
I am getting
There was an error during the interpretation of your request.
Error #:      11
Message:  Function argument value, type, or count is invalid.
Program:  procedure classauth1.passcheck fwauth.fxp
Line #:  365
Line:  &SQLStatement
I have reduce the code to
<br> before Authenticate
Auth.AuthTable = 'C:\dataFOX\Users.dbf'
<br> after Authenticate
and I get the same result.
Any help will be appreciate.
Thanks, Francois