Date:  07/19/2004 08:19:49 AM Msg ID:  002142
From:  Francois Vignola Thread:  002140
Subject:  Re: Error whith Auth.Authenticate
Thanks, FoxWeb,
you put your finger to the right place.
For somes reasons the Visual Studio Service Pack 5 only
apply to the runtime portion of FoxPro.
Using the "Use run-time DLL" option in the Configuration Panel,
I have been able to Authenticate propely.
So, I have found a subset of the Service Pack 5 for Visual FoxPro, Visual
InterDev, and Visual J++ only (VS6sp5Ot.exe) and this resolve the problem.
Thank again, Francois
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/17/2004 01:35:29 PM:
We have only seen this problem once before.  In that case the user was running VFP 6 without any service packs applied.  As soon as the server was upgraded to VFP 6 SP3 the problem went away.
In your message you indicate that you are using VFP 6 with SP5.  Do you have the Use Run-Time DLL option enabled in the FoxWeb configuration?  If yes, are you sure that your DLLs were also upgraded?  One way to find out is to run the following script:

The response for SP5 should be "Visual FoxPro 06.00.8961.00 for Windows".

If you are indeed running SP5, then we will need to do some additional analysis to determine the problem.  In this case we will need to contact you by phone, so please email us a phone number where you can be reached.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Francois Vignola on 07/15/2004 01:47:02 PM:
I try to move a working project to Windows 2000 Server
I am using FoxWeb v2.6, FoxPro v6.0 with SP5, MDAC v2.8, php v4.3.8 and IIS6 that come with w2k.
Every thing work fine (active page, forms, navigation etc...)
except when I am trying to Authenticate.
I am getting
There was an error during the interpretation of your request.
Error #:      11
Message:  Function argument value, type, or count is invalid.
Program:  procedure classauth1.passcheck fwauth.fxp
Line #:  365
Line:  &SQLStatement
I have reduce the code to
<br> before Authenticate
Auth.AuthTable = 'C:\dataFOX\Users.dbf'
<br> after Authenticate
and I get the same result.
Any help will be appreciate.
Thanks, Francois