Date:  07/29/2004 07:28:04 AM Msg ID:  002154
From:  Jack Evans Thread:  002150
Subject:  Re: 1104 Read Errors
fwstart.log usually just kills a channel or two, no patterns to it. and yes there are errors in the logs!!! For about an hour usually, then for some reason, without intervention, the problem stops. It's not permissions because it runs fine most of the day. I doubt the drive is the problem, for the same reason. I wrote the channel and procedures out to a trace file using fw_enter for about two days and aside from really slowing down the server it didn't indicate any patterns in procedures.
Another possibility is that a 8.0 table got in the mix. But, would that really cause a problem?
Sent by FoxWeb Support on 07/27/2004 11:29:34 PM:
Did you get a chance to look at fwstart.log?  It may contain useful information that may help you diagnose this problem.  If you see anything suspicious please send us a copy via email.
Also, have any errors been logged in the FoxWeb error log since the problem started happening?  It's always possible that the error log files (error.dbf, cdx and fpt) are corrupted or inaccessible.
Yet another possibility is hard-drive corruption, or insufficient user rights.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Jack Evans on 07/27/2004 11:40:25 AM:
I am baffled - We are still running FW 1.2 on a NT4.0 box (Sorry Pandelis) and all of a sudden in the last couple of weeks we are getting 1104 Error reading file errors. It is completely intermittentent and not related to any specific line of code. Once it occurs, it clogs up all the channels and they all report the same errors, but in different processes. This almost always occurs in a USE statement. In watching it, I also notice that there are zero length temp files in the working temp folder. It would appear that fw_error is trying to dump to that folder and cannot. I have changed temp folders to a completely different drive, no change. Other processes that use the tables seem unaffected. No other server processes are having trouble reading files either (this is a very heavily accessed server, so we know the problem is somehow related to the FW/VFP combination.