Date:  08/30/2004 11:23:11 AM Msg ID:  002195
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002190
Subject:  Re: Dreamweaver with foxweb
Unfortunately we don't own a recent version of Dreamweaver, nor are we experts on this product.  Hopefully other forum users will be able to provide a solution for you, but the right place for you to post your question would be the Dreamweaver support forums.  In the worst case you will need to rename your fwx files to asp while editing them, but  it would be nice if you could associate the fwx extension with Dreamweaver and direct it to use the ASP editor to display/edit them.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by javier cabrera blanco on 08/28/2004 07:20:06 PM:
Dear Support team
I have problem trying edit my .fwx file in design mode using Dreamweaver MX 2004.  This problem do not occur using Dreamweaver 4.
What i can do to resolve this problem ?
I have created a forum for foxweb suppor in spanish in
Javier Cabrera Blanco
"Foxweb ... because time is money"