Date:  09/28/2004 06:15:09 PM Msg ID:  002225
From:  FoxWeb Support Thread:  002223
Subject:  Re: Ideas on how to include sort headers?
You can turn the headers into links that point back to the same fwx file, but pass an additional query string field back to the server.  For example:
<a href="myList.fwx?filter=XXX&sort=status">STATUS</a>
Obviously this requires a round trip to the server, but in most cases this is how it is done.  I have seen sorting performed on the client, but it involved the use of advanced JavaScript, XML and XSLT techniques.  The client-side technique involves more work than the server-side method and it does not work with all browsers.

FoxWeb Support Team email

Sent by Tim Bowen on 09/28/2004 01:22:44 PM:
I want to be able to  include clickable sort header titles to my output. So if a user gets results returned like you see here
              STATUS          NOUN                        CUST      OFFICE          EDD              JOB          PRICE
4VS5639  OPEN    TONER CARTRIDGE         BOWEN     VSOSR    10/1/04    DT1C3VS0     62.00
4VS5621  OPEN    PRINTER, LASER          BOWEN     VSOSR    10/22/04   DT1C4VS0     578.00
I want them to be able to click on STATUS header and it will sort the data by status.
Easily done?